Ideally, our permanent teeth will last a lifetime.
Extracting (or removing) a tooth is generally a last resort only after other treatments are used to save it.

Yet, sometimes extraction is unavoidable due to disease, trauma or crowding causing many people to undergo this procedure every day. Fortunately, with innovative replacement solutions like dental implants, we can work with you to restore your smile following extraction surgery.
After performing a thorough examination and X-ray of your mouth and jaw, we may recommend tooth extraction for several reasons, including:
- The tooth has fractured below the gum line and there is not enough structure left to save. External trauma can cause fractures along the root surface of a tooth. While root canal therapy can save many fractured teeth, sometimes repair is not possible.
- Severe decay affects the surface and stability of the tooth: one of the most common reasons for tooth extraction. A chip or crack in a tooth can allow bacteria to enter and cause decay. If this decay becomes severe enough, it can compromise the tooth and possibly lead to an infection and even abscess.
- Advanced gum disease results in bone loss and loose teeth. Severe periodontal (gum) disease is a major cause of tooth loss among older adults. It can destroy gum tissue and erode teeth and the bone structure that supports them. When gum disease is too advanced, or bone density is too poor, tooth extraction may be the only option.
Other situations that might make extraction necessary include impacted wisdom teeth or crowding, which can lead to misalignment. In addition, teeth may sometimes need to be removed to create space for orthodontic devices.
What to Expect
Most tooth extractions are performed comfortably and without complications. Removing a single tooth is typically a straightforward procedure for the majority of patients. If multiple extractions are necessary, the procedure can become more involved.
To ensure the extraction is as comfortable as possible and you have minimal discomfort, we will administer a local anesthetic to the area beforehand. Patients who require or feel more comfortable with additional sedation may receive oral medication, nitrous oxide (laughing gas) or intravenous (IV) sedation.
In some cases of tooth extraction, a few stitches may be required. The sutures used are usually the “dissolvable type” that will dissolve completely within a few days.
Depending on the type of anesthesia you receive, you may need someone to drive you home after your surgery. Your doctor will prescribe medications to ease any pain or swelling you may experience. You’ll also receive post-extraction instructions for the days following your surgery. It is important for you to follow these instructions carefully to ensure a successful recovery and to minimize the risk of any complications.
Did You Know?
Most tooth extraction procedures cause minimal discomfort and require only one to two days of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen (Motrin®), to ease discomfort during recovery.
Advanced Technology Promotes Healthy Healing
Morgan & Lemke Periodontics & Dental Implants is excited to offer platelet rich fibrin (PRF) therapy to our patients undergoing tooth extraction. This innovative technology enhances recovery by using the patient’s own blood to accelerate the body’s natural healing process. When used after tooth removal, PRF therapy also reduces the risk of infection and helps prevent a painful complication known as dry socket. PRF therapy is quick and painless, requiring just a simple blood draw, which is performed in our office on the same day as your procedure.
Restoring Your Smile
It’s essential to replace teeth you’ve had removed — not only for your appearance but also for your oral health. A missing tooth leaves a space that can eventually cause your remaining teeth to shift. This shifting can negatively impact your bite and lead to misalignment and additional damage to your teeth.
Dental implants are often the ideal solution for replacing missing teeth. When preparing for your extraction, we will review all of your options for tooth replacement. We’re dedicated to restoring the confidence that your beautiful and healthy smile will be completely restored.